Sarah Fava (M/D, Lynbrook)- Sarah is a lockdown defender who can shut down her opponent from any angle. She always knows the right time to slide and always is communicating with her teammates around her. She has a tremendous lacrosse IQ that benefits her as well as her teammates on the field. She does not make it easy for the attack to go to goal at all.
Tess Ferguson (A, Baldwin)- Tess is one of those players who takes control of the offense from behind the cage. She is a huge asset to the team and takes advantage of being a lefty attacker. She works very well with her teammates always looking to feed and push the ball quickly around the offense. Tess is not afraid to challenge her defenders and go to goal. She is very shifty behind the net and can pull off the twizzler shot. She is such a fun player to watch.
Grace Scamell (D, Oyster Bay)- Grace always brings the energy and is one of the most dedicated girls on the team. She always communicates with her teammates on the defensive end to direct everyone and to intimidate the girl she is guarding. She works so hard to come up with those 50/50 balls and is probably the hardest working girl out there on the field.
Emmy Fiola (A, Massapequa)- has extremely quick bursts of speed when in possession of the ball that allows her to beat her defenders. Her craftsmanship with her stick is unparalleled and makes it difficult for other teams to stop her when she is looking to be shifty and get to the cage. Fiola is an intense redefender and loves to take the ball from the other team before they get to the 30.
Gianna Calandrino (A, Farmingdale)- Gianna is very versatile behind the cage for our team and takes advantage of being a lefty feeder. She has great hands and is very smart with the ball. She can get off those quick passes in tight spaces to find her teammates. Gianna works hard on the field to get those open looks and drive to the cage to either finish it herself or make a great pass to one of her teammates.
Kara Lacey (M/DS, Herricks)- Kara is one of the fastest girls on our team and can make it down the field effortlessly. Her quickness makes her so versatile on the attacking end of the field. She can always get that first quick step to beat her defender to go to goal. Kara is a great asset on the draw she can come up with those 50/50 balls and dart down the field to get the offense going.
Laine Aries (GK, Garden City)- Laine has a great lacrosse IQ and is so smart on the clear. She never forces and always finds the gaps in the defense to clear the ball. She is very good at scooping up those loose balls around the crease and has a great jump on the ball to stop shots. Laine communicates very well with her defense to make sure everyone is aware of where the ball is, when they should crash, and when they should slide to double the ball.
Kathryn Ehrlinger (GK, Island Trees)- Kathryn is a brick wall in the net. She has a great vision for the ball and can get a quick first jump on the shot. She has very quick hands and can change her levels very quickly especially when someone tries to fake her out. She has a great vision on the clear and can work well with her teammates to find the open girl. She commands the defense very well to make sure they are doing the right thing. Kathryn is a great leader in the goal.
Carly Howell (M, East Meadow)- Carly is a great player all around on the field. She is very smart on the draw and will fight for every single loose ball in the circle. Carly has a quick first step and is not afraid to challenge her defender to get off a quick shot. She takes charge of the offense and makes sure that it is running properly. She is one of those kids that is always looking to improve her game and works hard to make herself and her teammates better.
Lauren Jablonowski (D/A/M, Island Trees)- Lauren is a work horse on the field. You can throw her into any position, and she will work hard out hustling everyone. She is one of those players who is not afraid to sacrifice their body for a play. She is very smart on the attacking end and works well with her teammates to get them open as well as herself.
Emma Trivolis (A, East Meadow)-Emma is a great asset on the attacking end of the field. She works hard on the ride making sure to help her defense out by slowing the ball. She has great hands and is not afraid to use her weak hand which benefits her well on the field.
Lindsey Shimborske (D, Farmingdale)-s a lock down defender who has the knowledge and ability to push the fast break and create offense from the defensive end. She is a patient defender who will allow her opponent to make their own mistakes so she can capitalize on them.
Izzy Ryan (A/M, Plainedge)- loves to do all of the little things between the lines and is more than happy playing where ever her team needs her. She has shown great endurance and ability to push through fatigue. Her ability to communicate both on and off the field with her teammates is one of her biggest strengths.
Danielle Malpica (D, LuHi)-Danielle is a stud guarding the crease. She is one of our best low defenders who will not let anyone get by her around the crease. She is very versatile for our team on the defensive end and will always hustle after those loose ground balls. Danielle also is a very smart lacrosse player in transition she knows how to fill the gaps and find the open player.
Aileen McQuillan (A, Baldwin)-Aileen is very shifty on the attack. She can weave in and out of defenders and somehow get off a quick shot inside. She is another one of those players who works hard to get herself and her teammates open. She was definitely a key player for us this summer.
Millie D’Angelo (M, Manhasset) Millie is one of those players that you can have in the whole game with no complaints and she will work hard the whole game. She has a great handle on the ball and can outrun her defenders in transition. She may be tiny, but she can lock down people on defense and is not afraid to sacrifice her body for a play.
Ariana Papadopoulos (D, Manhasset)-Ariana is a great leader on the defensive end. She is always looking to improve her game and looks to help out her teammates whenever she can. She has great movement on defense and can keep up with most of the girls she is guarding. She is another one of those players who works hard for her team.
Shannon DeMarinis (A, Lynbrook)- Shannon has great hands especially for a low attacker and is not afraid to drive to cage from behind. She can find the open cutters and will thread the ball through to her teammates. She works hard on the ride helping out her defense. Shannon works very well with her teammates which helps the offense to be in sync.
Grace Lane (A, Long Beach)- is tall and strong attackers who likes to get to the cage. She has really perfected the art of drawing a double and hitting her teammate in the middle which proves a very unselfish style of play. Grace loves to dodge from the wing and has the ability to beat her defender top side or underneath with creative moves.