It’s Over!

My son has been playing lacrosse since Kindergarten. Since a young age, he’s had a great group of friends. My son and his friends played on the same travel basketball, football, lacrosse, practically every sports team you can think of together growing up. They are very competitive with each other. It has always been that way. This past summer, all of my son’s friends made verbal commitments to Division I schools. Everyone found a school except my son. It is now the fall semester of his junior year in High School and I feel as though it’s OVER.

Is it really OVER or did your son’s recruiting process just START?

For a parent to say it’s OVER because their son has yet to verbally commit to a school by his junior year shows they are too concerned with their child attending a top 20 Division I school. These top 20 DI schools represent the less than 2% of NCAA Collegiate programs recruit studletes who are freshman and sophomores in High School. A parent with this attitude shows me they don’t realize there are some amazing schools that fall into the 98% of NCAA programs (which is over 300 schools!) who start to recruit studletes who are juniors or seniors in High School.

Meaning, if your child hasn’t found a school by the start of their junior year, so what?! There are hundreds of other schools who are just now starting to recruit your child. Continue to be patient, be persistent, respect each opportunity, look at the glass half full. Because if you ask us, it doesn’t seem to be over, it sounds like it’s only the beginning.


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