Why all laxers should try yoga

From rocking speedos to Lulu Lemon yoga gear, the practice has gone from understated to all over the main stream. High fashion seems to destroy stigmas and get the masses to want and partake, but what about the benefits of yoga? Well, those have been around for centuries. When the mind’s thoughts and the body’s senses stand still, the practice of yoga can be achieved.  Now, what does this mean? How can yoga help athletes of today?
Why should all laxers do yoga?

Froggy Yoga
1. The hands are one of the most valuable tools for a successful lacrosse player. Like a broken finger for a two guard in hoops, a sore hand can be devastating for a lacrosse player, regardless off his position. There are a variety of poses in yoga that allows for you to expand you hands, elongate your fingers, stretch your palm, and create an overall more flexible hand. Similar to applying WD-40 to a stiff hinge of a door, stretch your hands to get longer, stronger, and more flexible.

2. Yoga makes your core stronger and spine longer. Have a stronger core can significantly reduce the chances of developing lower back pain, muscle pulls, and spine issues. A stronger core creates a more explosive athlete who can change direction quicker, get to spots faster, and pick up ground balls that much better. A longer spine, means a healthy spine. It will improve your posture. You’ll have a more intimidating presence on the field and give you the confidence to take your talents to the next level. A healthy spine will elongate your playing career, and most importantly keep your body in a healthy position after your playing career.

3. Never forget, breathe. Breathing is more fundamental than your ability to put on your equipment, scoop a ball, cradle, pass or catch. As you progress through your career and advance to an even higher level, coaches and trainers will demand more and more. The more that’s demanded on your mind and body, the more you need to emphasize on the breathe. Oxygen is one of the best tools to stimulate a healthy body and mind. In words of Mary Grace, “the only reason O2 isn’t promoted is because it’s F-R-E-E.” Take advantage of the simple deep inhales and exhales so you can keep your body energized while you compete, and while you sleep!

4. Injury prevention. The practice of yoga stretches more than your body. It stretches your mind, your stamina, your breathe, your internal organs, your ligaments, and your muscles. As an athlete, you know that stretching everything just mentioned can benefit you in one way or another.

5. Stay focused. Some resort to coffee, some resort to red bull, but have you ever tried yoga? Yoga is the most effective and nature way to sharpen your mind. This creates an overall awareness of your body, mind, and empowers you to take control of your athletic career. Injuries, dropped passes, missed play calls, failed assignments can all be prevented. The more you can focus, the more you can develop one of the most valuable aspects for any athlete, the intellect for the game.

6. Ego boost. Lacking confidence? Are you in chronic pain? Do you feel distracted? Improvements in all those areas can be found through the practice of yoga. A double amputee and US veteran, Dan Nevins, is a successful example of the benefits of yoga.

How has yoga helped you? Comment below!


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